Today was a very busy day here at the Nixon house. I started the morning off on a great note by sleeping in until 8:30 and showering and dressing all in the privacy of my own room without interputions! (Jayson worked from home and cared for Hope while I got ready for my long, overdue dentist apointment.) In fact, I would almost go as far as calling my private prep session wonderful, except for the fact that said dentist appointment was quickly approaching.
Ughh, the dentist, is just such a downer! Luckily, besides seeming to take an abnormally long time the appointment went well and I have a clean bill of (dental) health for another six months, or however long it takes me to get back there again. While I was stuck in that nasty pleather chair, with unflattering, headache inducing flourescent lights shining down on me I came up with a short list of the things I do not enjoy about the dentist:
-I don't care who you are or what dental office you call, everytime you try and make a regular check-up you have to schedule it two months out. I have a hard enough time trying to schedule things out a week ahead of time, let alone two whole months.
-The already mentioned horrible lighting that makes my eyes water and plastic chair that probably over a thousand people sit in a year.
-The polish...that gritty stuff they use at the end. It tastes horrible and the texture is even worse. Talk about gag-inducing.
Today,I had the opportunity to have one more specific reason to detest the dentist. The first thing he said to me was "You look tired." Now what man in his right mind greets a woman like this? He is lucky I didn't grab his dental equipment and start throwing it at him!
Well, let's move on. After my dental appointment Hope and I met my Mom, my Aunt Betty, & my Uncle Leroy (Now there's a couple Scandanavian names for ya!) We ate brunch downtown and visited. Hope had a grand old time smiling, giggling, and goofing off in front of her relatives. She can really be a ham and very outgoing when she wants to!
Next, we went to the U of M Agriculture Department to drop off Uncle Leroy at his semitruck and see the cows. We walked about the barn and visited the cows, saw a couple brand new baby calves only an hour old....still covered in blood and shivering, knees wobbling and trying to walk around. How precious is that? After that my Unlce Leroy went to get a day old calf and walked her up to Hope. The calf was so cute, she strutted up to us and started licking my pants. Her tail was wagging and she was Moo-ing! She seemed so domesticated I thought for a few short seconds she would be an adorable addition to the Nixon House! But, I then regained my senses! At this point I think Hope assumes all animals are just varing sized dogs because she just smiled and kept saying "BUB!" At home, that's what she calls the dogs. I am not sure if this is her attempt at saying "dog" or "Brutus" -the name of our Boston. Which ever it was, it was pretty much the sweetest thing ever to see her happy, smiling and experiencing something special and new!! (I SO WISH I HAD TAKEN PHOTOS!)
After that we said our goodbyes to Uncle Leroy and went shopping. My Mom and I just looked around a local mall and actually left without anything, but next we stopped by Babies 'R' Us and Granny couldn't help but buy a couple toys for Hopers!
Hope and I soon headed home, took a nap and then made a quick Target run while Daddy mowed. Gramma Nixon came over this evening to babysit and Jayson and I went to dinner and grocery shopping. We also made a very exciting purchase that I will tell/show in a post later this week!
It has been a busy day and I still have a TV show to watch before bed, sooo, I'm gonna go get to it!!